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IconoMaker is an ICO editor for icon creating, editing and managing

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ico editor

Using an Ico Editor to Edit Icons on Your Web Page.

Ico editor to facilitate any editing that you will require modifying .ico file.

Favicon.ico is the file that is attached on your web page. If you are not familiar with what a favicon icon is may be this will help in shading some light. For the people want you web page to stand out and be different from the rest, then you will require having a favicon icon next to the name of your web page. When this is done everybody who will open your web page will get the chance of viewing the icon that you have designed with the ico editor. One should also note that if you are book marked on a person computer when the person opens his or her favorite web page they will be able to see your web browser icons.

You should also note that it a recommendation by windows that the icons which you have selected to have at least three different sizes. These sizes would include; 16 by 16, 32 by 32 and 64 by 64. On the other hand, for a favicon.ico it is enough to have an image size of 16 by 16 pixels. Thus if you will have a bigger image then you will require to have an ico editor to facilitate the necessary specifications that will be required to meet the minimum standards. Bellow is steps that you follow to create .ico by your self.

Its definite that so many people do not know how to convert an image to .ico, you will get that others don't even know of the possibility for it to happen and the availability of free software's that can help to facilitate this. None the less if you did not know of this then it is very possible and you will be surprised that it is right under your nose. This package come with you copy of window which is already installed in your computer on the application of MS paint.

To start with, you open pain and make an image of your choice which you would like to use as your favicon.ico. When it come to saving option, select 24 bit bitmap and call it favicon.ico; it does not matter what ever name you will choose make sure it will end with the extension .ico. Lets take the example of converting .png to an .ico file, you will only be required to follow this command: - 1. anytopnm 1.png > 1.pnm and 2. ppm to win icon 1.pnm > 1.ico that's it.

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