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By purchasing icons from Icon Empire, You (the purchaser) agree to the terms of this agreement, as detailed below.

You may use the icons from Icon Empire in commercial and personal design projects, software or Internet products. Icons can be displayed in documentation, help files, and advertising materials. You are free to sell and distribute products and projects using purchased icons without further royalty fees.

All icon files are provided 'as is'. Icon Empire cannot be held liable for any negative issues that may occur as a result of using the icons.

You agree that all ownership and copyright of the icons remains the property of Icon Empire. You may not resell, distribute, lease, license or sub-license the icons or modified icons (or a subset of the icons), to any third party unless they are incorporated into your software or design products.

If you have any questions regarding copyright or licensing, including whether another license is required for icon use within products, please contact us here: www.iconempire.com/support.htm.

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Popular Icon editors
Marker Icon Craft is our pick. This icon maker allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these kinds of graphics can now be designed in a single application.

Marker Icon Processor is an icon converter. It creates icons from your images. It is possible to convert 256-color icons into True Color icons and XP icons.

Marker ICL-Icon Extractor will scan your files, archives, folders and all local disks for icons. It can download icons from the Internet and customize Windows icons.

Marker Perfect Icon creates icons from any graphic file (PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and more) in just seconds. Create stylish icons for Windows XP. Easily replace, colorize and save icons that Windows uses to display standard objects, folders and files.

Pixel Editor Pixel Editor is a program to create and edit images for websites or mobile devices. An array of tools to work with pictures and simplicity of use make this product ideal for newbies and graphic design professionals alike.